Sunday, September 21, 2014

Internal server error 500 timeout CentOS httpd.conf

If you get "Internal server error 500" while you run php script you need to modify httpd.conf file and set IPCCommTimeout.

Edit file in Webmin:
1. Select Webmin > Servers > Apache server > Global configuration > Edit config files
2. Select httpd.conf file to edit
3. Find your domain configuration (usualy is at the bottom) it should start like: <VirtualHost>
4. Locate </Directory>
5. Insert: IPCCommTimeout 7200
6. Save the file
7. Stop apache at the top right corner
8. Start apache at the top right corner

That's it.

Edit file via ftp (I'm using WinSCP):
1. Locate file etc/httpd/https.donf
2. Locate your domain configuration  (usualy is at the bottom) it should start like: <VirtualHost>
3. Locate </Directory>
4. Insert: IPCCommTimeout 7200
5. Save the file
6. Restart apache server using PuTTY # service httpd restart

Hope it helps

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Webmin change default charset (encoding) for MYSQL database UTF-8

When you see special characters in mysql, like (&AElig; &#199; &#200; &#201; &#202; &#203; &#204; &#205; &#206; &#207; &#208; &#209; &#210; &#211; &#212; &#213; &#214; &#215; &#216;) it means you need to set default charset for mysql database records. I've been figuring it out for couple weeks, to find where is the place in webmin to change default charset and encoding for mysql database recods.

Follow thees steps to change it:

Go to Servers >
Go to MySQL Database Server >
The select on the top of the page Module Config >
From drop down menu next to Configuration category select System configuration >
Go to second page and change the Character set for MySQL.

Hope that will help someone.